



Organic waste

We should only throw away leftovers, spoiled food and small bits of vegetables into the organic waste fraction. We should throw away organic waste in the afternoon to avoid foul odours.

Which process is carried out?

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    Anaerobic digestion facility

    At this facility, organic waste (FORM) undergoes a biological decomposition process without the presence of oxygen. This is also called anaerobic digestion. It takes place in closed equipment called digesters. Methane is obtained along with digested material and this undergoes composting.

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    Composting facility

    At this facility, organic waste (FORM) receives a biological treatment that includes the presence of oxygen. Bacteria does the same thing in a normal decomposition process. Organic waste must not contain improper waste because this prevents the biological process from happening or makes it more difficult.

What does it become?

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    From the composting process, a very good fertiliser is obtained called compost. This is used as fertiliser in parks and green spaces in our towns.

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    From the anaerobic digestion process, biogas is obtained and this is used to generate electricity and fuel. Both are used to make the composting facility work as well as to export energy to the public network.